Cap Ferrat as viewed from the exotic garden of Eze.

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Flâneur’s cities – what makes a city suitable for flânerie?

The streets are narrow: “a maze of passages and streets which blur into each other and only become distinct near the quays of wood and lime.” The pavement is awful, leaving you having to negotiate puddles and mud: “Mud up to the ankles, sheets of water on the pavements poorly protected by asphalt.” In the evening the streets are badly lit and there is hardly anything to see and to do—Daniel Acke


The Art of Flânerie

Never have I thought or experienced, been more myself than when walking alone. There is something about walking which animates and enlivens my ideas; when immobile I am hardly capable of thought, to set my mind in motion I must first get my body moving. Country views, a succession of pleasant prospects, good air, the good appetite and good health that I gain by walking, the ease of the outdoor cabaret, far away from everything which makes me feel my dependence—Jean-Jacques Rousseau


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